Sabrina’s Declassified School Survival Guide

Seeing as I have been in College for about two months, I basically know everything there is to know about it. So below I have complied a list of ten tips to remember when embarking on your collegiate experience.

1. You might need to share a closet.

Say it with me, “this is okay”. Honestly, you won’t need half the clothes you brought. A lot of people forget that you will be buying things while in college. You are not shipped off to a foreign country with no money and an inability to speak the native language. I went to Chicago, which is the shopping capitol of the Midwest. Most of the clothes I brought will stay in the storage bins under my bed.

2. You might develop a slight addiction to caffeine within your first few weeks of classes.

It is going to happen whether you like it or not. You know that foreign teacher with the hard to understand accent who teaches topics you learned last year on a Monday morning? Good luck. Without some sort of stimulant, that class will become a snooze fest so be prepared.

3. Your roommate might need you to leave for an adult sleepover

This is okay. I promise. As long as you maintain the ‘no baby-making on my bed’ policy, are not judgmental about it and she knows when to take it to his place, everything should work out fine. Don’t try to teach your roommate about your personal beliefs; don’t look down on her for it. Fornication is a thing that happens, get used to it.

4. You might not want to do some things.

Everyone has different comfort zones but it is important to know that college is meant to be a time to expand your horizons not retreat behind your own personal borders. Try new things, I beg you. But don’t do things that you will regret.

5. Your prof might assign a paper the first day of class.

I’m sorry but it happens. Don’t complain. Don’t roll your eyes. You pay good money to go to school. Actually do the school part. The paper will be super annoying but begin your collegiate experience on a high note and try not to be downgraded to remedial English.

6. When things get scary, get help.

If you’re friend is drunk out of his or her mind and poses a threat to your safety or their safety, then it is time to call someone. Typically campuses have a “good Samaritan policy” of some sort which will allow you to get help without  getting in trouble. Be a good friend and make sure the people around you are safe.

7. Get to know your city!!!

I guarantee you that the city that you’re in has a plethora of things to do. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a college town or the third biggest city in the country, there is no reason to be in your room all weekend. Get out and make some memories.

8. You might feel lonely sometimes.

This is totally normal. You’re away from your family and friends, which can even make you regret going to the school you chose. Just remember why you’re here and the the support system you have at school. Then eat your feelings. After that you should be totally fine.

9. If you think you see someone from your hometown, say something.

Don’t let that opportunity slip by. Who knows? Your friend from high school might be on a Biology field trip from UW-Madison. And you might spot him from across a restaurant. And you two might make awkward eye contact then look away thinking that you’ve gone insane. THIS HAS HAPPENED. Just say hi okay?

10. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Your roommate might be messier than you, you might lose you favorite sweater in the move, and you could possibly get a horrible grade on a test. Just take a deep breath, work out your angst and realize that these things happen. Then decide whether or not to fix it. You can always ask your roommate to straighten up a bit, go to your professor’s office hours, and buy a new sweater. Just calm down okay?

Much love!

The Reunion of Cookie and Cream


That’s Hello is Albanian.

It’s been six weeks and I finally got to see one of my friends again! In the actual flesh, no less.  And lemme tell ya, it was really something.  I took my first ever train (if the New York subway doesn’t count) and wandered alone in Chicago for a little bit, which is scary and very adulty.  But I’m going to let you read Sabrina’s account of the event first because what she thinks of me is funny (and obviously not true).

Michelé is, as we know, a wonderful person who always tries to do the right thing. It is her gift. It seems to come easily to her. So with this in mind I must say that you should never take her to Michigan Avenue in Chicago. It is because of her gentle nature that she will attempt to give everything she has to the poor of Chicago (of which their are many). Ranging from all the cash she has in her wallet to, probably, the shirt on her back. Now I’m not saying that this is a bad thing. It’s just makes me feel like an inconsiderate dick the whole time. That’s all.  Our lovely trek through Chicago’s most touristy shopping destination, was still fab though. I forgot how much I missed the companionship of great friends. It’s one thing to text or call but to see one another in the flesh is the tops. (I swear I didn’t know she put “in the flesh” when I wrote my line above #soulmates). Mich’s visit reminded me of why our friendship has always just worked. Despite the fact that she is a reincarnated Mother Teresa, and I’m the mean business person from every kid’s movie ever: we legitimately enjoy each other’s company. Or at least I do. Thanks for coming up Mich and I hope that the next time you do, you can even stay over!!
Much love,

Mich and Sab Sept 2014 Sab and Mich Sept 2014 Sab plus mich sept 2014 Sabrin and mich Sept 2014

Oh the selfies.

So, basically lets clear things up.  I am not nearly worthy enough to be Mother Teresa, but I appreciate the gesture, my friend.  It probably is a good idea, though, that I never again visit the inner city of Chicago while not blindfolded.  In my opinion, it isn’t my place to decide whether or not a homeless person deserves my money.  I think it’s my duty to give what I don’t need to anyone who looks like they do need it.  It takes a lot of courage to let go of your pride and sit out on the street asking people to help you. I imagine it to be the absolute last resort for many of them.

We passed at least two dozen poor people in the short afternoon I was there.  One younger man we walked by twice and I would have given him my $50 pre-paid visa (I had already given away my five dollars in cash) if we hadn’t been walking so fast. It just tugs at my heart strings, you know?  A woman who says she’s lost everything in a fire and clearly has burn marks all the way up her arms.  A veteran holding a sign that reads, “Please help.”  A Middle Eastern woman saying she has four children that she is trying to get to America and has lost her job…  And I know, some of you might think that those signs are expertly engineered to get people like me to give them money, but someone somewhere has to have put their real story out there hoping that just one person might understand. I never want to be that person who wishes they would have given more.

But I feel bad, because that’s not the point of this blog.  The point of this blog is that I got to hang out with Sabrina and it was awesome! We bickered, like usual, and I was being my “reverse snob” self as The Table likes to say.  And the world was in order.  For a brief time I was worried that I was being replaced; that all my friends are finding new, better friends and I’m going to be left behind.  But thinking about it, I will never ever replace them so why should I think they don’t value our friendship just as much?  Next time I’ll stay over.  Promise.

Mich and Brin sept 2014 Mich and Sabrin Sept 2014


And a funny one for last.

Brin and Mich sept 2014


Illinois You a Little, But it’s College

I feel like I should be playing Kanye West to do this post justice… oh well. One doesn’t just turn off Beyoncé.

Hello! I’m Sabrina, the resident comic book nerd of the table. I’m a Marketing Major with a minor in political science. I’ve read enough college blogs to know that this will probably change, but so far, this is the plan I’m currently pursuing. I attend Loyola University Chicago. A gorgeous Jesuit school nestled in one of the most diverse neighborhoods of this huge city. It has an undergraduate population of about 9,723. LUC isn’t huge but it isn’t tiny either. It is just right for me.

Move in day was exciting. As my dad drove away from the house and from the state that’s been my home for a while, I kept feeling like I needed to see everything just one more time. The strip malls, the cracked and potholed streets, my favorite Starbucks and that Chick-fil-a they are finally building near my house, which I can’t eat at until thanksgiving break.

So with a heavy heart I made my way to Chicago, Illinois on the 20th of August. We were assigned a check in time (9:15) and with Chicago being only two hours from home, we were almost punctual. Almost. We got there about twenty minutes late. As a semi-professional over packer I was over the moon with our move in team. Volunteers from the school essentially swarm your car, put everything in bins, and take it straight to your bedroom. Seeing as I live on the 18th floor of my residence hall, I was very grateful to those strapping young men who took my mini-fridge upstairs for me. The only thing I took was my purse.

My roommate’s name is Jade and she is from Arkansas, We live in a small double room on the second highest floor of our building. We have a beautiful view of both the city and Lake Michigan. The sight is something that constantly reminds me that I live here. I live in Chicago, I’m 18 and the world is at my feet.

College has already challenged what I once thought was true. I assumed it would be difficult to find people to connect with. Well you know what they say about people who assume. Everyone was on the same boat as myself. We are all being forced into a new and unfamiliar situation. However, being the fourth most polite campus in the country means that we are very accepting of everyone: all religions, ethnicities and orientations. So that’s nice. It is also nice knowing a few people off the bat. I was fortunate to have a very close orientation group. We stayed in touch over the summer and take some of the same classes. I knew four people from my high school and a few people I have met at various student events. My goal for the upcoming year is to get out of my comfort zone. Try new foods, new activities and meet new and different people. This city is so new and exciting that it deserves nothing less than my best. And my best it will get.

Sabrina and Jade Aug 2014

Sabrina (left) and her roommate Jade